David Walker was born in Phoenix, Arizona on Sept 20, 1934. When he was nine he was transported by a vision into heaven for five hours and he came out of that experience as an anointed preacher! Thousands came to hear the “boy” evangelist preach the Gospel with as much zeal and power as many who had years of crusade experience.

Amazing miracles and supernatural manifestations accompanied “Little” David’s ministry. He worked with the best known healing evangelists of the Voice of Healing organization as a young man.

First mention of ‘Little David’

The first mention of ‘Little David’ Walker was in the very first edition of the Voice of Healing in April 1948 in an article by Jack Moore. ‘Two separate campaigns in Miami were held in January and February. The first time, the Branham party went as guests of the ”Little David” campaign, the phenomenal boy-preacher of 13, who with his manager, Rev. Raymond Hoekstra and the Kenzie party, had been engaged in several weeks’ meeting under the new, spacious Tent Cathedral, which they offered to accommodate the crowds which always follow the Branham campaigns.

On the first trip, four nights of service were rendered in Miami, and six nights on the second. We were also invited to minister in Little David’s meeting in the resort city of Orlando, where we spent three nights in the municipal auditorium.’

In January 1949 he ministered alongside William Branham in Miami (VOH, Feb. 1949, p11) and Dale Hanson in Tacoma, Washington in Nov. 1949 (VOH, Dec. 1949, p6)

World Traveller

He was accompanied by Raymond G. Hoekstra to England in August 1949, preaching in London’s prestigious Royal Albert Hall on Sunday, August 14th, where seven thousand persons listened intently to his testimony.

‘Newspapers throughout Britain and London published reports, with names and addresses of persons who testified to miracles of healing. Simply and earnestly he testified that when he was nine years of age his spirit was taken up for five hours into heaven. “Jesus said, ‘David, if you will preach what I command you to preach, thousands will be converted, and many miraculously healed. The blind will see. The deaf will hear. The lame will walk.’ That promise has never failed.”

‘From London Rev. Hoekstra and Little David went by plane to Amsterdam, Holland; Brussels, Belgium, and then on to Paris. In Paris, God sent another revival. The Palace de Ia Mutualite was filled to overflowing. In a single service they prayed for one thousand persons. Many miracles of healing were witnessed. The common people of Paris had great faith.’  (VOH, October 1949, p3. (Picture there as book?)

In September 1960 he was campaigning in Moscow, Russia (VOH, October 1960, p8.) and in January 1961 the magazine began to publicize his book, ‘Around the World for Christ.’ Thereafter he became a very successful pastor and missionary, ministering in over 70 countries of the world.

Resources available: Little David, Miracle Boy Preacher by Raymond G. Hoekstra

Tony Cauchi
Sept 2011

Biblical Healings

Old Testament



Church History




More Recent Centuries

18th-19th Century

20th Century

21st Century

Section Content

Overview of the Revival

Gordon Lindsay's View

The Historical Christian Context

Section Content

This section takes a general view of the Healing Revival and Gordon Lindsay's observations. Another article examines the wider context of contemporary evangelicanism, revival and evangelism.

Gordon Lindsay

William Branham

Oral Roberts

Gordon Lindsay

William Freeman

A. A. Allen

Jack Coe

T. L. Osborn

O. L. Jaggers

Tommy Hicks

Franklin Hall

David Nunn

W. V. Grant

Clifton Erickson

Velmer Gardner

Little David Walker

Paul Cain

Thomas Wyatt

Lester Sumrall

Morris Cerullo

Ern Baxter

Gordon Lindsay

William Freeman

A. A. Allen

Jack Coe

T. L. Osborn

O. L. Jaggers

Tommy Hicks

Franklin Hall

David Nunn

W. V. Grant

Clifton Erickson

Velmer Gardner

Little David Walker

Paul Cain

Thomas Wyatt

Lester Sumrall

Morris Cerullo

Ern Baxter